Salted Cheese Cream Recipe

My salted cheese cream recipe pairs super well with almost anything sweet, and gives a cheesecakey element to everything.

To make a thick, fluffy salted cheese cream, you'll just need five ingredients. One of them is milk: how much you'll need will depend on the cream cheese you use.

I used 5 tbsp because the cream cheese I was using was super thick. But other brands have more (or less) water in them and are either thinner or thicker as a result, so you'll need to add your milk bit by bit to be on the safe side.

I spooned mine on top of an iced strawberry matcha latte and a stack of pancakes, but it's also good on hot chocolate, cake, pudding... anything sweet, really.

You can also watch me make this on my YouTube channel:

Ready? Let's go.

(Makes two very generous servings.)


50g full-fat cream cheese
1 heaped tbsp caster sugar (about 15 grams)
1/4–1/3 tsp salt (to taste)
About 5 tbsp milk (will vary depending on the cream cheese you're using)
60ml whipping cream


1. Beat the cheese, sugar and salt together until smooth, and gradually stir in the milk bit by bit until you have a runny, cream-consistency mixture.

2. Whip the whipping cream until it just about forms soft peaks.

3. Fold the cream into the cheese mixture, and serve immediately.

That's it! Enjoy, and have fun.


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