Pistachio Cardamom Cupcakes with Rose Poured Fondant

I visited my friend Vicky in Brighton today, and brought along some pistachio cupcakes I baked the evening before.

I finely ground 100g shelled, unsalted pistachio nuts in my food processor, ground the seeds from three cardamom pods into a fine powder in a pestle and mortar, and added them  to my usual sponge recipe, minus about 2tbsp of the flour. I made the sugar flowers and leaves from fondant, and made the glossy pink poured fondant by melting some white fondant in the microwave and diluting it with a bit of rose syrup and water.

I also added a teeny tiny bit of gren food colouring to the cake batter itself, to make it look more 'pistachio-y'.

It was my first visit to Brighton (which is odd considering that the first time I made an effort to visit Vicky- shocking!- was when I went all the way to Germany- when we ended up making the cake with the mile-long name), and I thought it was wonderful. Quirky, small, individual, and beautiful.

And there were many wise pieces of advice to find.

(Yes, I went to Brighton for the first time, took no pictures of the pier, took no pictures of the sea, took no pictures of any of the amazing street art, and only took a picture of a mug.)

Also, it's officially the end of Sugar Free February! I celebrated with Vicky by eating salted caramel and gingerbread gelato. It was heavenly. Still, I've definitely learned a lesson in self-restraint, and I've also picked up good habits such as no longer needing sugar in my tea and coffee. A successful experiment!


  1. Wow. Amazing and helpful post. Birthday Cakes for Wife in chandigarh, mohali, kharar, zirakpur and panchkula.


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