Salted Caramel Chocolate Mooncakes – Recipe

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 is coming up again (September 15th to be exact) – and that means mooncakes.

My mixture ended up making 13 mooncakes, so me being be I decided to make the 13th one a special one, and attempted to create a bunny rabbit. To be honest it looked more like a pig when it went into the oven, and then later on my mum saw it on the table and said "Oh, I like the rat." Hey, I never said I was a sculptor.

I used a mini 50g mooncake mould for this recipe, so for each mooncake I used 20g filling and 30g pastry.

Ready? Let's go.

Ingredients for Filling:

100g split mung beans, rinsed and soaked overnight
50ml milk
2 tsp butter
50g caster sugar
50g dark chocolate, melted
2 tbsp dulce de leche
1 tsp sea salt

Ingredients for Pastry:

200g plain flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
120ml golden syrup
50ml vegetable oil

To Glaze:

1 egg yolk, mixed with a dash of milk


1. To make the filling, drain the soaked mung beans, rinse well and cook in a rice cooker for about an hour, with enough water to cover them plus about two inches over (you'll need to set the lid of the cooker at an angle to stop it from boiling over – no idea why rice doesn't boil over but mung beans do).

2. When the beans are soft and most of the water has been absorbed, turn the cooker off and stir in the butter until dissolved. Let cool a little before blitzing smooth in a blender or food processor.

3. Scrape the mung bean paste into a frying pan, add the sugar and cook over a low to medium heat: stir constantly until the paste forms a smooth dough. Transfer the mung bean dough into a bowl, cover and leave to cool completely, then combine with the caramel, chocolate and salt (I put everything in the food processor again). Refrigerate for two hours.

 4. When the beans mixture is completely chilled, divide it into 20g portions and roll them into balls, then pop them back into the fridge to keep them firm.

5. To make the dough simply stir everything together, knead until smooth, cover and let rest for 30 minutes. Now divide this dough into 30g portions and roll them into balls.

6. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with nonstick baking parchment. Flatten out a ball of pastry dough into a disc, pinching the edges so they're a bit thinner, and pop a ball of filling into the centre. Pinch closed, roll in a little flour and shape into a mooncake with a mould. Pop on the tray and repeat until all the pastry and filling has been used up.

Now it kind of looks like a pig...

7. Bake for 10 minutes, brush with a little egg yolk glaze, and bake for a further 10 minutes. Cool completely before serving.

Have fun, and enjoy.


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